Looking Ahead: Rising Volatility for most Portfolios
We discuss how volatility is not constant and the influence on investment portfolios
Download October 2013 commentary
The Bright Side of Higher Rates
We discuss how the interest rate rise over the last quarter has improved the long term prospects for the conservative portion of the investors balance sheet
Download July 2013 commentary
Beyond Treasuries & Municipalities
Finding Yield without Sacrificing Quality: We discuss the lack of yield and how we find good yielding assets without sacrificing the quality of the underlying security
Download April 2013 commentary
Increased Visibility & Income Scarcity
We discuss how to steer through an improving economy, unproven monetary policy, low yield environment and opportunities in the different asset classes
Download January 2013 commentary
BornTo Sell interview
Craig Van Hulzen discusses the long-term track record of our covered call strategy as well as the Iron Horse Fund
Download December 2012 Interview